Signed deals | Sector | Round size | Year | Investors |
AptaTargets | Pharma | 4,5 M€ | 2017 | Caixa Capital Risc, Inveready |
Anaconda Biomed | Medtech | 15 M€ | 2017 | Ysios, Omega, Innogest, BSabadell |
Peptomyc | Biotech | 4,2 M€ | 2017 | ALTA Life Sciences, Healthequity |
GlyCardial Diagnostics | IVD | 3,1 M€ | 2017 | Caixa Capital Risc, Healthequity |
MJN Neuroserveis | Medtech | 750 k€ | 2018 | Ship2B and Family Offices |
Cornea Project | IVD | 300 k€ | 2018 | Industrial partner |
Corify Care | Medtech | 1 M€ | 2019 | Family Office and EU Funds |
Oxolife | Pharma | 300 k€ | 2019 | Family Office |
Cornea Project | IVD | 300 k€ | 2019 | Family Office |
LiverScreen Project | Medtech | 8,5 M€ | 2019 | EU Funds |
CreatSens | IVD | 750 k€ | 2019 | EU Funds |
ABLE Human Motion | Medtech | 2,5 M€ | 2019 | EU Funds |
Peptomyc | Pharma | 11,4 M€ | 2020 | AurorA Science, ALTA LS, Healthequity |
Oxolife | Pharma | 5 M€ | 2020 | Inveready, CDTI, crowdfunding |
CORNEA Project | IVD | 1 M€ | 2020 | Capital Cell and BAs |