22 Nov GENESIS Biomed kicks-off its new site at Valencia and holds its Annual Conference
• GENESIS Biomed inaugurated its new site at Valencia last week at the BioHub VLC, as part of the GENESIS Biomed Annual Conference in the Valencian Community. The event, which was opened by Jesús Agüero, General Manager of Bioval, was attended by more than 75 professionals from public entities and companies in the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem.
• To consolidate its presence within this ecosystem, GENESIS Biomed has also become a member of Bioval, the cluster that represents and connects the interests of companies and entities in the bio sector in the community.
The consultancy firm GENESIS Biomed, a leading consultancy firm in advisory services for R&D&I projects in the biomedical sector, officially inaugurated its new site on 16th November at the BioHub in the Marina in Valencia, with the holding of its Annual GENESIS Biomed Conference at its facilities. The aim of the conference was the interaction of the stakeholders that make up the Health Innovation ecosystem in the Valencian Community, such as Health Research Institutes, Research Foundations, Research Centres, start-ups/spin-offs, investors, etc.
The event was opened by Jesús Agüero, General Manager of Bioval, and included several conferences, one given by Josep Lluís Falcó, CEO of GENESIS Biomed, on health entrepreneurship and another by Óscar David, CEO of Inndromeda, about the Valencian ecosystem. One of the most relevant events of the day was the organisation of the Round Table “When technology transfer becomes a spin-off company”, moderated by our CEO Josep Lluís Falcó. It was attended by relevant stakeholders from the sector, from heads of Transfer Offices (Fernando Conesa, RTTP – OTRI Director, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV); Rita Pastor del Castillo – Manager of Innovation and Transfer INCLIVA, to CEO and CSO of companies (Andreu M. Climent – CEO Corify; Beatriz Llamusí – CSO ARTHEx Biotech), business accelerators (Carmen Durán Hernández – Project Corporate Director, Lanzadera), Business Clusters (Oscar David Sánchez – CEO Inndromeda) and entrepreneurs (María J. Vicent – Group Leader at Príncipe Felipe Research Centre (CIPF)).
This Round Table highlighted, among other points, the role of transfer offices, the difficulty of finding CEO profiles to lead spin-offs, the maturity of projects as a key aspect to be considered by investors, the recently approved Science and Start-up Law and, finally, the lessons learned to turn our ecosystem into a benchmark in technology transfer and spinoff creation.
With this conference, GENESIS Biomed bets on a Community where the area of Health has become one of the main engines of its economy and which concentrates a wide range of institutions related to research, entrepreneurship and health promotion.
The involvement of the consultancy firm more directly in the Valencian ecosystem will allow it to join forces to enable innovative solutions in the field of health to reach the market sooner, boosting the knowledge economy to become the driving force behind the economic and productive engine in this region.
The event was attended by more than 75 professionals from public entities and companies in the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem and demonstrated the interest in entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of health.